I made this little number using McCall's 6696 which is one of the patterns that come with multiple cup sizes (which is wonderful if you are anything over a B cup) and I am pretty happy with it. I've had this fabric laying around in my stash for almost a decade and it worked really well with this pattern. I made a few alterations to the pattern including adding a small cut on gusset on the sleeves, adding a half inch FBA, pinching out a half inch of length from the back, and swapping out the pleated skirt with 2 full fabric widths gathered to the waistband.
For the first time I used french seams, even on the sleeves!
The entire inside is finished! I'm making so much progress! Even the sleeves came out good.
I wore it all day Monday at work and didn't have any catastrophic wardrobe malfunctions so that was nice. Unfortunately the only proof I have is a rather sad selfie.
On a side note, I've noticed a lot of other sewers seem to be crazy cat ladies as well, and they're always all "Oh Mr. Fluffins is helping." Am I the only one whose animals are diabolical assholes?
"Oh was this the next pattern piece you needed? It sure is comfortable." Also he figured out how to pull pins out of the pattern pieces as soon as I turned my back. I'm still finding pins in the dining room floor.
At this point I said fuck it and accepted it wasn't happening. B kept laughing at me because he could hear me cussing at Oni across the house. He kept asking why I didn't just push him off. Probably because every time I reached for him he flipped over on his back and greeted me with teeth and claws!
At least Zelda is less involved when she helps.